Vizunah Square Henchmen AI Messed Up?
Now, I haven't had a problem with Vizunah Square in a long time. Ever since they fixed the issue with the 2nd team not resing, I've always been able to complete it with a full henchie team (me + 15 henchies), even if it isn't masters level.
I figured I'd take my Paragon through the first few missions to get to some more juicy 3k exp quests for my survivor title, only to find the local team of henchies just isn't cutting it. I thought the first time was a fluke and I ran away before they could res their fallen and didn't notice until the last group of infinite mobs... but no, they completely wiped out at the 2nd group of infinite mobs.
Has anyone else had any problems like this since the AI changes? Or did I just get unlucky?